Setting and props: The group of boys seem to be inside what looks like a cave, this is suggested by the rough background of the uneven floor and the dim lit lights in the distance.This suggests a narrative where the characters may have to face some sort of physical hardship. The male at the right seems to have what looks like a gun strapped to his clothes, this suggests that the group but engage in a physical battle or are in some sort of danger.
Lighting and colour: The colour of the shot is of a dimly lit blue, with little lighting however the characters facial expressions seems to be lit up. This helps to understand that this is a emotionally heavy scene of the movie yet (due to the darkness) the characters may be in a 'dark place' and in some sort of trouble.
costume,hair,make-up: The characters all look (slightly) dirty and tired. This highlights the idea that the characters must of been thorough a lot physically and are still waiting for more of this hardship to come their way. They all seem to be wearing clothes suggesting a particular role. The first male in the front seems to be wearing some sort of chest amour suggesting he may be in physical danger frequently. The male behind him is wearing overall suggesting he has to do manual work much more frequently than the other role.
facial expression and body language: Both characters seem to be of shock and anticipation suggesting that there is some sort of danger nearby and the characters are fully aware of this. Both the males seem to be standing in a legs wide position suggesting they are taking a strong stance but have a backwards tilt to their posture suggesting they may need to run or escape some sort of danger.
Position of characters: They are all spaced out suggesting they 'have eachothers back' again suggesting the idea of danger being nearby
2) Find three film extracts on YouTube from films of different genres (e.g. horror, sci-fi, costume drama) and write a comparison of the mise-en-scene in each.
Women in black trailer: (drama/horro)
The setting is really old and Eire, like it is stuck in the past.This is a typical convention of a ghost/horror movie. There are always props from the past like the old and antique furniture. The lighting is dark and dim which helps to add suspense and fear to the movie which is an essential for the genre.
The costume and make up is formal but from an old era which helps to highlight the concept of the past which is always the focus of these types of movies.
The facial expressions of the characters are curious at first which causes the narrative to move on but then soon change to horror and fear - the body language is nearly always stiff and ready to run from any danger. The character positions of the protagonist is usually close to the camera so we can see most things from their perspective and the protagonist (or ghost) has variety of positions to evoke different reactions in the audience eg. in the distance for suspense and close ups for sudden shock.
Insurgent trailer: (sci-fi/thrilla)
utopian and dystopian fiction has much more of a run down and 'dying' appearance compared to the eari setting the ghost and horror genre have however they can be similar in that they both provide a feeling of loss and destruction. The sci-fi side of the movie shows in the modern and clean cut of the buildings they use which are much more elegant than the setting of the horror genre. The props used highlight the sci-fi genre as they have a futuristic feel to them whereas in the paranormal movie genre they typically are forced to use some ever day objects out of fear rather than high tech gadgets. The lighting and colour is really bright in the the buildings which add to the modern and developed characteristic of the sci-fi genre. The costume of the main characters is mainly fighting gear which adds to the whole end of the world feel to the genre but they also wear suits that have some sort of technology reference to them. This contrasts with the worn down and old fashion clothes that most people wear in paranormal movies. The body language is much more 'fight' than 'flight' in this genre which is usually the case for scary movies. The expressions are much more powerful and determined in the genre. The characters positioning is much more organised and spread out so they have room for the encounters that usually take place in the Utopian genre.
Little boy trailer: (comedy/drama/war)
Drama and war movies usually have a setting that's full of commotion and this movie is. The setting is one of an old time period, like many other war movies, and is more similar to the scary movie genre in this case. There are a lot of things such as old cars and war planes that add to the authentic feel of the war genre. The lighting is much more neutral as it tries to reflect real life and has moments of a more 'dusty' lighting adding to the destructive feel of the genre. The clothing is much more of an old style thus reflecting the time period typical to the genre. The facial expressions are one of fear and sadness like many scary movie genre however just like the sci-fi genre there is that trace of hope in the small smiles of the characters.
DIVERGENT - Movie Clip #4: The Chasm - YouTube
Divergent is an adventure/sci-fi movie. We can understand that this is an adventure movie by the location. Its in an odd and remote location inside what appears to be a cave. This sense of it being something different and unknown is usually a huge focus of the adventure movie genre. The lighting is slightly dim but clearly lighting each of the main characters (of the scenes) faces helping to reflection the emotion of each character, this is an important feature of adventure movies as the audience is always aware of how each character is feeling in the given situation. The colours are dark which add to the fact that this movie is much of an action movie as well as the adventure side of it. This creates a much more serious atmosphere for the given genre. When we look at the clothes they are wearing we can see its like a uniform suggesting the main narrative follows a group of 'school'(ish) teens. The clothes look fit and ready for any combat training therefore highlighting the action side of the movie. The facial expression of the male is much more stern and detached compared to the other characters suggesting hes the leader/trainer of the group which is usually other key person in an action/ adventure movie. We can see that some of the characters don't seem to pleased with the action which may indicate a certain defiance that might soon take place and lead to the adventure element of the movie. The characters are stood quiet close together creating the idea of them being like a team which indicates they may stick together like most character do in a adventure movie.
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