Tuesday, 15 December 2015

MEST2: Film pitch and audience focus group

MEST2 Film Pitch

Complete the following film pitch in time for your audience research focus group in class.

Title and tagline: The Kiss of Death - I always loved falling, even if it was just in and out of love.

Topic from brief (e.g. Modern-noir, Urban Life etc.): Its a lot like a secret/friendship/romance

Genre (and sub-genre if applicable): Psychological thrillar/ drama/ horror(ish)

Logline – one sentence that sums up the film and hooks people in (25 words or fewer):

A girl with Schizophrenia, reflecting the challenges she faces with the love of her life's death.

Other successful films that are similar to yours: Black Swan

Narrative structure for full 30-minute film – what happens and in what order (max 100 words):

The movie begins with a date scene between the protagonist and her boyfriend, this love story slowly developes keeping a steady pase but slowly revealing the psychological disorder of the protagonist. Around the middle of the movie, a dispute happens between the two and she kills her lover. This pushes her over the edge and her schizophrenia gets worse and she sees hallucinations of him. She then confesses everything to her friend yet things only get worse and she decides to finally take her life.

Main protagonist, their desires, the conflicts they encounter etc.: The main protagonist is a young adult and wants to just be loved and to love, shes a slight thrill seeker and very impulsive. The conflicts she accounters are mainly against her own internal thoughts.

Other characters and their role/audience appeal:
Her other half - to provide a core to the story and a sentimental attachement
Friend 1 (female) - a tom-boyish laied back attitude to provide a resting point yet add to the ambigiousity of the film.
friend 2 (male)- very likable personality adding hints of humor there and here.

Target audience for your film (age, gender, social class, interests etc.):
15-26 years
working/middle class around an AB audience prodominalty
Psychological interests/drama, more emotional and have acounters with individuals with psychological problems and there severity.

The three-minute extract you will make and where it would appear in the film:

Its going to be the climax of the movie(half way), where the audience becomes fully aware of her instablility and she confesses all her 'sins'

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