Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Film Language test learner response

WWW: Excellent, detailed analysis
EBI: Re-do question 3

Question 3: How does sound contribute to the atmosphere created in the opening scene (12 marks)

Sound contributes massively to the atmosphere in this opening scene.  One of the key aspect of creating the atmosphere was the exaggerated sound effects, of the diegetic sound, to increase the sudden emotional response evoked in the audience. An example of this is when the camera moves away to how the wall in shot, where there is silence, but suddenly the gun shot sounds causes the audience to suddenly respond in fear. This creates a sudden shift from tension into sudden fear which may cause the audience to link this feeling of fear with the potential villain of the scene.
Another aspect of the diegetic sound is the dialogue which is whispered which helps to create a tense and serious atmosphere which is usually a key aspect of the thriller genre also this gravelly and almost dangerous voice of the 'villain' is in synergy with his costume and the weaker voice of the 'protagonist' with his weaker positioning and costume. But the diegetic sound isn't the only thing to create a certain atmosphere of the scene, the non-diegitic sound also has a huge impact. The non-diegetic music playing in the background is eire and isolated just like the scene we witness therefore is an example of how this parallel music works in synergy with the images we see in order to heighten our emotional response to the narrative. Moreover, there is a noticeable shift in the music when the killers name is said suggesting to the audience that a shift is to come in the narrative and reflect the more dangerous personality of the character - this also builds up suspense as the audience begin to anticipate what this important but 'villainous' character may do next. Furthermore, the music reaches a climax during the flames highlighting to the audience that this is a significant part of the narrative and what the central focus of the opening scene is.

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