Thursday, 19 November 2015

Preliminary exercise evaluation

Your evaluation needs to include the following:
  • Clear reference to the brief, your planning process, how your script/storyboard/shot list helped create the final product and what you would do differently next time in terms of pre-production
  • Detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your film
  • Confident use of media language, particularly film language, showing clear understanding of the key concepts of Media Studies (MIGRAIN)

I think the pre-planning was one of our strengths as we had a really detailed shot list which helped us with the script and storyboard. 
However for the storyboard i personally think we could of added arrows to indicate the movement of the camera which would of aided us whilst we where shooting. Moreover we did miss out a few of the things we originally planned to put in but we ended up having too little time to complete all this - we needed to improve our time management a lot. 
As for the brief, we payed a lot of attention to the match on action and made sure our editing flowed when we cut part of. The shot/reverse shot we definitely used carefully during the conversation as we realized it was a very important aspect we had to get right. However, in terms of the 180-degree rule we broke it (by accident.) We payed a lot of attention in making sure we didn't break it, however whilst we were shooting a certain part we ended up breaking the rule as the lighting didn't work well from its position. What we learnt from this is maybe we should use artificial lighting and not only natural lighting in the actual task. 

The following is feedback is for our actual film produced;

  • The parallel sound worked really well as we had an effective choice in music
  • The match on action was definitely a strength especially the scene of opening the door
  • The black and white colour scheme worked to our advantage as its a key convention of the genre
  • The natural lighting worked as an advantage to create a realistic effect (good choice of window setting)
  • The railing scene and the use of focus really worked to create the enigma code of mystery
  • The choice of keeping the face hidden until the middle worked as a very good enigma code as the audience wanted to know who this person is
  • We used the audio correctly and saved a back up file to prevent losing it from corruption
  • When the camera panned we should of kept the face in shot as the audience already knew who the character was
  • Kept to the 180 rule
  • Made better choices on how to improve the lighting if it wasn't working for us
  • Kept to our original plan by using the shot list whilst shooting. 
In terms of the key conventions of media. 

The mise-en-scene was a strength of our production. This is because the natural lighting helped to create the effects of solitude and danger. The props, the chain, worked as enigma codes/mcguffins and the costumes where thought out to make sure we didn't look too 'nice.' The setting of the school also strangely worked but i think that was mainly due to the black and white effect, therefore we could of improved by shooting in a different location. Another weakness was that lots of other people where coming into shot making it look less professional. 
The editing process was fairly strong however we should have recorded voice overs after the sound files stopped functioning, the goes for sound too.
I think the cinematography was also an advantage as we used various shot types however i do think we could have had more interesting shots. 

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