Tuesday 26 January 2016

500 word Article

Reasons for the Shadows

Here, in the director’s words, the inspiration for this emotive masterpiece of a film.

Everyone’s faced some sort of trauma in their past, that changed them from a person they could never go back to being. But imagine if that trauma haunted you day and night, with your eyes open or closed, or so much that you had to learn to escape reality through your thoughts. But what happens if you think to such an extent that you can no longer differentiate your thoughts from reality. Getting caught in a limbo of life and death, where you know you’ll barley survive in the condition you’re in.

Pain is relative, depending on the person and their own individual emotions, therefore the impact of trauma effects each individual in a different manner and sometimes things occur in life that cause you to lose yourself – mental health illnesses like anxiety, depression , schizophrenia (to name a few) are often results to such trauma. Where you’re so scared that you no longer know how to reach out for help and the people around you don’t seem to pick up on the signals.
How often do you here people, “it’s not really an illness”, “it doesn’t really hurt”, “they’re just being dramatic”, when they talk about mental health illnesses. Mental health illnesses aren’t to be taken lightly and that’s what I wanted to convey to an audience, no they aren’t as ‘scary’ and ‘dangerous’ as most movies portray, they are in fact way more harmful for the individual suffering that the people they encounter.
Imagine your worst nightmares coming to life right in front of your eyes but nobody can see them but you. Imagine the trauma of the past following, no matter how fast you run, it keeps on following you – most mental health illnesses feel like that. Too many people suffer in silence and don’t reach out for help for the sole reason of thinking that no one is going to understand how they feel.
Most people don’t understand the scars on many others just because they didn’t understand what the other person was feeling, what it is like to be them. That’s what this movie was meant to help to do, help other understand how dark it can get in people’s minds and what we need to do to help, it helps those suffering from mental health illnesses, I wanted them to know they aren’t alone.
Remember that time you had that one fight, and no one was around to help you out? Would you wish that upon another poor soul? What if it’s even worse for them? I’m not sure about many other people, but the last time I had to suffer in silence the pain became so unbearable that I slipped so far out that it seemed your illness was your only friend. All I needed was someone to help me, by simply acknowledging what I felt as valid, gave me strength with their hope and I’m still standing tall today, after a darkness I thought wouldn’t end. Not everyone is so lucky to make it out of things that hard, so we should help as many people we can.
Here’s the message, plain and simple; there are so many people in this world who are suffering in silence be careful with what you say, because everyone is fighting their own silent battles and you don’t know how a single cruel remark can push them over the edge. 

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