Thursday 11 February 2016

Notes from BFI trip

Concept exchange:

Money usually leads to a cinema experience for the consumers.

3 platforms:

Arthouse - like the BFI - Low budget and speciality
Multiplex- large audience - Block busters
Prestige - are a cross over of both - serious topics - usually big actors at low budgets

Franchise - eg. Harry Potter
Heritage- eg. Kings speech
Social realism
Urban fairytale - eg. Love actually

The bond franchise-
Simple pleasures
Familiar characters and structure
Stereotypes of britishness
Expectations of international audiences

Kinsman was inspired by bond and was based on a graphic novel.

Heritage (royal nights) is usually nostalgic through the rose tinted perspective.
The past isn't criticised
Reinforces pantheism
Tourist making strategy
Museum aesthetics
Expensive mise-en-scene

Social realism (selfish giant)
Critical - doesn't reinforce British Stereotypes
Comfort zones of audiences are challenged
Usually about class/darker aspects of human nature.
Exploring harsh realities

Horror (women in black)
Traditional gothic
Uses hammer films idea plus heritage aesthetic
Star power.

Urban fairytale (one day)
Typical love story conventions
Beautiful setting
Marketing for tourism
Middleclass representation
Contrasting to ill mannors

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